Value management Compliance and values

The name "Max Wild" stands for legal integrity. The key of our success is the practise of the values, for which we advocate. Solidarity, tolerance, honesty, cooperativeness and team spirit, as well as responsibility and reliability build the keystone of our ethical framework. Due to that legal and ethical flawless behaviour of the employees, as well as the customers, suppliers, partner companies, subcontractors, investors and creditors are very important for Max Wild GmbH. 
We abide by the national and international laws as well as the principles of a fair competition in every commercial decisions. The managing director, our managers as well as the employees are bound with the core value and our code of conduct.
We implemented a compliance and value management system due to the guidelines of the EMB-Wertemanagement Bau e.V to the consequent implementation and control of these principles.  

Information to the Whistleblower Protection Act

Due to the Whistleblower Protection Act (briefly HinSchG) it is obligatory for a company to set up a registration office.
Max Wild fulfils an obligation due to the whistleblower system, which is anchored to the value management. 
You can submit your announcement at for offenses against legal provisions or rather penal provisions. After a fixed process they will be argued and rated.
Thereby the reliability of the integrity will steadily be observed.

If you have any questions or notifications regarding the topic "value management", please contact    

Contact persons

Markus Romer


Abteilungsleiter Unternehmensentwicklung

Janik Halama

Stellvertretender Wertemanagementbeauftragter


Whistleblower Protection Reporting Office

Roland Ast

Interne Meldestelle (HinSchG) | Fachgebietsleiter Qualitäts- / Prozessmanagement

Phone +49 8395 920-637

Mobile +49 170 3731890

37. Oldenburger Rohrleitungsforum

Vom 06.02.2025 bis 07.02.2025

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