Strand technology High end lifting technology

Stranding technology is known from construction and the plant engineering  and power station construction sectors.

Colloquial you call it "heavy lift sector".
This technolgy is used to lift and lower heavy loads.
With us, there are nearly no limits regarding height and weight.
The experienced Max Wild team has had stranding technology in its routine for years.

The stranding system of Max Wild GmbH is composed of different components.
Over the years we have extended and improved the components.

Strand lifters are used when conventional methods meet their limits.
When dismantling or moving heavy loads such as railway bridges, the new construction is often built parallel to the old one. Using strand lifting, it is possible to put the old substance into position after dismantling without having long disruptions in traffic flow. 

There are many areas in which to use stranding technology:

  • Moving and pulling bridges
  • Lowering bridge sections
  • Lifting the most varied heavy loads in the industrial sector
  • Lifting of building constructions and roofs

Contact persons

Gerd Chmeliczek

Oberbauleiter Heavy Move

Phone +49 8395 920-181

Mobile +49 170 3731874

Thomas Rieder

Dipl.-Ing. (FH)

Leiter Technischer Vertrieb

Phone +49 8395 920-215

Mobile +49 170 3791055

Kurt Bicker

Dipl.-Ing. (FH)

Geschäftsfeldleiter Abbruch

Phone +49 8395 920-204

Mobile +49 172 6381554

Markus Wild

Dipl.-Betriebswirt (FH)


Phone +49 8395 920-704

Mobile +49 170 9785987


Demolition Neckartalübergang Heilbronn

Demolition Elsenbrücke Berlin

Talbrücke Krondorf

Step by step to the perfect result

Measuring of the grounding

Umfassende Stahlbauarbeiten Bereiten das Bauwerk auf die massive Belastung während des Absenkvorgangs vor.

Comprehensive steel construction work prepare the structure for massive weights during the lowering process.

Cutting of bridge steel with flame cutter

Strand lifters will be positioned on broad-flanged girders

The four parts will be lowered step by step on the pontons and will be embarked with the aid of the stranding technology.

Use of the stranding technology at the Neckartal passage in Heilbronn

37. Oldenburger Rohrleitungsforum

Vom 06.02.2025 bis 07.02.2025

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