Recycled Construction Materials Manufacture and Use of Quality-Controlled Recycled Construction Materials

Mineral Substitute Construction Materials are Economical

Mineral substitute construction materials are typically cheaper than technically equivalent primary raw materials, and they are readily available with minimal transportation distances. Using recycled construction materials can reduce construction costs and save disposal expenses. These substitute materials can be used in a variety of applications including road, path, and pavement construction, earthworks, civil engineering, landscaping, and landfill construction.

Max Wild GmbH offers RC-Concrete 0/45 FSS (certified frost protection gravel), RC-Mix 0/80, RC-Hardstone 22/63 and 0/45, RC-Asphalt 0/22, and other grain sizes upon request.

Self-compacting liquid soil is an innovative alternative for filling pipe trenches. Our material tester ensures quality control in our own quality assurance system in the company's laboratory.

For our various recycled construction materials, we can provide certificates from the Bavarian Building Material Recycling Association (Baustoff Recycling Bayern e. V.) and from the QRB (Quality Assurance System for Recycling Construction Materials in Baden-Württemberg).

Contact persons

Dr. Gregor Silvers

Geschäftsfeldleiter Umwelt

Phone +49 8395 920-200

Mobile +49 172 6381974

Product Certificates and Documents

37. Oldenburger Rohrleitungsforum

Vom 06.02.2025 bis 07.02.2025

Besuchen Sie uns auf unserem Innenstand: Halle 1 U.01 und Außenstand FG G.04