Company More than just a name
Max Wild stands for quality, commitment and trust – and has done so since 1955. Even then, it was clear that growth and innovation were in the foreground. After all, it is Wild's tradition to get down to business in order to achieve more - sustainably and with a full view of our surroundings.
As a result, further segments were gradually added, which today form the full range of services offered by Max Wild GmbH. This is now continued by the founder's children and grandchildren and with the support of 750 "Professionals without Borders" including over 60 trainees. And of course, this is by no means the end of the story, because as a driver of innovation, the company is always interested in new solutions.
All of this is based on respect and respectful cooperation – principles that have always been upheld in the company. Because that's the only way to actually turn a name into a family. And this stands for: will, innovation, performance and gratitude.

Consolidating competencies
is wild.
Management and family

Max Wild, a family business Corporate culture and values
We know where we come from, who we are and where we want to go.
As a family-run company, we live a culture of togetherness based on personal ties. Our corporate culture is characterized by people who enjoy working in a team, are helpful, respect and value each other.
Short decision-making paths, direct contact regardless of responsibility and career levels are lived by us every day. An open feedback culture is just as important to us as satisfied employees and customers.
We love what we do and put our heart and soul into project after project. It can also happen that we disagree – but we don't lose sight of the overall goal. In this way, we create optimal solutions for our customers and clients in the community. Mastering challenges together and growing from them – that is our credo.

Gemeinsam neue Wege gehen: Philipp Wild, Christian Wild, Geschäftsführer | Markus Wild, Geschäftsführer | Daniel Wild, Geschäftsfeldleiter Fuhrpark- / Gerätemanagement | Jochen Wild, Geschäftsführer | Carina Kunz, Fachgebietsassistentin Finanzbuchhaltung | Max Wild, Gesellschafter | Roland Wild, Geschäftsführer | Sabine Wild, Fachgebietsassistentin Vertrieb | Elmar Wild, Geschäftsführer