Model-based development Optimization of workflows

Our engineering department can make well-grounded diagnoses by means of model-based software development.
Our specialists carry out experiments on systems with the aid of a model and can analyse them exactly. Certain parameters (such as speed and speed-up) will be adjusted regarding to the current situation or a desired target situation and can vary as the circumstances require. The gained knowledge is very valuable for the daily work of Max Wild, because due to that processes can obviously be improved.  That happens due to the so-called implementation, that means due to the realization of a simulation model. The results of the experts will transfered into reality here. Simulation results can finally used for conclusions on a possible problem and its solution.

37. Oldenburger Rohrleitungsforum

Vom 06.02.2025 bis 07.02.2025

Besuchen Sie uns auf unserem Innenstand: Halle 1 U.01 und Außenstand FG G.04