Skandinavia Transports become WILD!

We have expanded our network and because of the new connections we are able to offer you the best service for Scandinavia. Rely on our experience to meet your needs even more efficiently and purposefully. We look forward to setting new standards with you!​

  • Transport solution​
  • Permit- & escort service​
  • Ferry service​

Contact persons

Marc Kramer

Schwerlastlogistik – Büro Nord

Mobile +49 160 903 84 139

Daniel Lenzner

Schwerlastlogistik – Büro Nord

Mobile +49 160 170 55 92

37. Oldenburger Rohrleitungsforum

Vom 06.02.2025 bis 07.02.2025

Besuchen Sie uns auf unserem Innenstand: Halle 1 U.01 und Außenstand FG G.04