Shifting technology Big challenge?We´ve got the solution!

We use various techniques for shifting bridge constructions or heavy industrial parts, such as the Fluidts guidance system using the most modern equipment such as skidways or skids. Shifting and moving large industrial parts of bridge structures is precisely planned and implemented with experience by Max Wild using this method.  So its possible even not to disrupt traffic  even on busy roads. Bridge sections and other infrastructure are moved using our practical technology on site. 

Do you want to know more about the moving technology at Max Wild or do you have specific questions about a project? Get in touch with our Heavy Move team.

Contact persons

Gerd Chmeliczek

Oberbauleiter Heavy Move

Phone +49 8395 920-181

Mobile +49 170 3731874

Thomas Rieder

Dipl.-Ing. (FH)

Leiter Technischer Vertrieb

Phone +49 8395 920-215

Mobile +49 170 3791055

Kurt Bicker

Dipl.-Ing. (FH)

Geschäftsfeldleiter Abbruch

Phone +49 8395 920-204

Mobile +49 172 6381554

Markus Wild

Dipl.-Betriebswirt (FH)


Phone +49 8395 920-704

Mobile +49 170 9785987


Kornwestheim Gumpenbachbrücke on the B27

The Fluidts® guidance system in use

37. Oldenburger Rohrleitungsforum

Vom 06.02.2025 bis 07.02.2025

Besuchen Sie uns auf unserem Innenstand: Halle 1 U.01 und Außenstand FG G.04