Pipe jacking Press drilling and steel pipe ramming
During press drilling, our system can be used to lay product pipes and protective pipes up to a diameter of 1,000 mm.
Pilot pipe jacking – controlled and absolutely precise.
This technique is particularly suitable for non-disrupting crossing under railway property and tracks, as there are no dynamic vibrations and no cavity around the driven pipe.
Steel pipe ramming
In the case of steel pipe ramming, roads, railway tracks, buildings and rivers up to 30 m length are crossed. With our pile drivers, which develop a thrust performance of up to 10,000 Nm, steel tubes with a diameter of up to 800 mm can be rammed in without press abutments.
The longitudinally welded or seamless steel pipes are used as media pipes, e.g. in pipeline construction, or as protective pipes for bundling of supply and disposal lines. The pile drivers can also be used in the construction of underpasses, smaller culverts and _________ for tunnel construction, as well as to support HDD drilling.