Heavy Move Lifting, lowering and moving with the pros

Lifting, lowering and moving - Wherever  infrastructure on a construction site or in industry needs to be modernized, use of conventional lifting systems is often not enough. 
Special systems must be used to guarantee a smooth process of the construction works for demolition and dismantling work, replacing industrial components or moving entire buildings.
Therefor we use special structures, special vehicles (SPMT), as well as strand and shifting technology.

We create solutions for you regarding lifting, lowering and moving heavy loads and goods. 

Smart solutions are Wild.

Contact persons

Gerd Chmeliczek

Oberbauleiter Heavy Move

Phone +49 8395 920-181

Mobile +49 170 3731874


Thomas Rieder

Dipl.-Ing. (FH)

Leiter Technischer Vertrieb

Phone +49 8395 920-215

Mobile +49 170 3791055


Kurt Bicker

Dipl.-Ing. (FH)

Geschäftsfeldleiter Abbruch

Phone +49 8395 920-204

Mobile +49 172 6381554


Markus Wild

Dipl.-Betriebswirt (FH)


Phone +49 8395 920-704

Mobile +49 170 9785987


37. Oldenburger Rohrleitungsforum

Vom 06.02.2025 bis 07.02.2025

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