Geological laboratory Geological laboratory

Our in-house laboratory for soil-mechanical tests dispose of very modern and extensive technical equipment. Our experienced specialists in the sector geology and construction material science can execute a variety of laboratory tests for the determination of soil parameter, construction materials testing of all soil and recycling building material as well as for continuing soil-mechanical inspection for you in line with project planning and project editing.

We can offer you the necessary  laboratory experiments, which you need for the creation of geotechnical expertises, directly from one hand, as well as the soil mechanical examination for the reuse of your construction material on the construction site.

We can connect our long lasting experience in the sector of soil improvement with hydraulic binders with supporting laboratory tests puproseful for your construction project to achieve for you the most economical solution at the reuse of soil construction material of your project. 

Contact persons

Krishan Katzer


Laborleiter Geotechnik

Phone +49 8395 920-209

Mobile +49 170 3731860

37. Oldenburger Rohrleitungsforum

Vom 06.02.2025 bis 07.02.2025

Besuchen Sie uns auf unserem Innenstand: Halle 1 U.01 und Außenstand FG G.04